
Liaisons De Fleurs
A San Diego Blog - gardening, floral designs, plant care tips, recipes and more

Heavenly Scent

Heavenly Scent

Fragrance Beyond Description.

Native to southwest China, the pink jasmine plant offers a heady perfume—rich, sweet scent that will fill a house or lightly carry through a southern garden.

Its dark leaves provide the perfect backdrop for the display of pink buds that open into a mist of exquisitely fragrant white flowers.

This Jasmine was introduced in England in 1931.

How to Care for Your Jasmine Plant:

1- This is a very strong, dense-growing vine & can reach 25′. Give it room to grow.

2 -It is a vine and needs some means of support & training, or it can be used as a hanging plant.

3 - It is hardy to 10-15 degrees.

4 - Give it sun if you want it to flower.  Although it will burn in the scorching summer sun. Part sun will do as long as it is nice and bright.

5 - Water it regularly but allow the soil to drain in between waterings. Water only if the top inch of the soil is dry.  Jasmine won't tolerate soggy potting mix..

If these conditions are met, flowering generally begins in late January or early February.

After your plant blooms give your it at least 6 hours of direct sun .

6- Fertilize every 2-4 weeks during the growing season -- generally from early spring to early fall. Withhold fertilizer entirely during fall and winter, when the plant is resting. Use a water-soluble fertilizer designed for houseplants mixed at just half the rate suggested by the manufacturer.

As with watering, plants suffer if over fertilized.

7- Prune as necessary to control size or to maintain shape, but stop pruning by August 1, because the plant sets flower buds in late summer.

8- To encourage the formation of flower buds for next winter, be sure your plant experiences the cooler temperatures and shorter days of early autumn. The plant needs 4-5 weeks of nighttime temperatures between 40 and 50°F, plenty of sunlight, and the complete absence of artificial light after sundown.

Bring the plant indoors before frost. Then give it cool temperatures and indirect light until it blooms again in late winter.

Fun Facts: Jasmine plants also aid good sleep. Read more about it here : PLANTS THAT GIFT A GREAT NIGHT SLEEP

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