
Liaisons De Fleurs
A San Diego Blog - gardening, floral designs, plant care tips, recipes and more

45 degrees....I am ready for spring!

45 degrees....I am ready for spring!

…Ok to be honest I am enjoying the empty beaches , the smell of the fire pits on the sand and that extra rich cup of hot cocoa ( With extra mini marshmellows of course!)…….

but come on 45 degrees that’s a bit too much <——-#SanDiegoSpoiled

We did survive the torrential downpour of Valentine’s day , my hands are still sore from it but Matt’s tension headaches are gone….so it is time for us to Spring clean our shop and website and leap forward to Springtime…sweet peas, lilacs, ranunculus and of course tulips.

Here is our newest Spring design Hat Box : rightfully called : “Spring Is Here “

Product Highlight : The Amethyst Box

Product Highlight : The Amethyst Box

The Love Cats

The Love Cats